
Getting Support for Change

Making the decision to make healthier choices is simple...following through with the plan is where it gets tough! We know from various weight control studies, including the one that I have worked on for the past 3 years, that support is associated with long-term success at weight control. Don't go it alone!

Even before you set out on your path towards healthier living, take some time up front to think about the type of support you will need along the way.
  • Individual support: Work as part of a team with a registered dietitian, like myself! Under my guidance YOU develop your own personalized action plan. When you are responsible for setting your own goals, you are more likely to follow through with the plan! I am there to help you strengthen your skills in overcoming your barriers to healthy living, provide you with expert feedback, ideas and sound nutrition information, listen to your struggles and most importantly, help you relish in your small successes!
  • Group support: The feedback you receive from peers who are working towards similar goals is priceless. Leading group nutrition and wellness cl assess is by far one of my most favorite aspects of my job. Whether it is a one hour session or a multi class session (~4-6 weeks), I enjoy seeing people leave the room with a renewed spirit and sense that nutrition can in fact be simple! Gather your friends, colleagues, employees, neighbors, fellow parishioners...you name it...and get the support you need through a RD led group meeting.
  • Family and Friends: Look for someone you feel comfortable talking about your weight or healthy living barriers with. Make sure you support person will hold you accountable for your actions WITHOUT judging you or making you feel guilty if you slip off track. Have an open discussion with them about your expectations for them as your support person. Make it fun too by planning milestone meetings where you meet just to have a celebration coffee, hike or trip to the mall.

The more support the better, so why not try all three. Find what works best for you!

For more information you can visit http://www.7daynutrition.com/ and chat with me about some of the services I offer. I cover Boston, North Attleboro and it's surrounding towns. If you don't live there you can always check out the ADA at http://www.eatright.org/ to get the names of other RD's practicing around the country.

7-Day Goal: Take the leap! Find your support today.


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