
Freezer Wrap

So, just a quick post to provide an update on the item I mentioned yesterday. The product is called Glad Press'n Seal Freezer wrap. Here is the link to the site so you can learn more about it. I use this product when I get home from the store with any type of meat that I plan on freezing. I immediately breakdown the package of say 3 chicken breasts into their own individual portions. This makes cooking so much easier because I do not have to defrost the whole package for a meal that only requires one portion. We also use it to make individual servings of foods we rarely use, like bacon for example. Every now and again you need a little bacon in your life! You don't want to buy a whole package and then have it sit in your fridge for the next week forcing you to add bacon to every meal so it doesn't go to waste! We use the Press'n Seal to portion out 2-3 slices at a time. It has worked great. Hope you get the same results.

1 comment:

RhodeyGirl/Sabrina said...

awesome thank you so much!