
7-Day Philosophy

Each day is a new day! Trying to lead a healthier life can be difficult. Many people get frustrated along the path towards healthier living because they may in fact be looking too far ahead. Setting goals is important, but knowing the difference between short term goals and long term goals is a key component of a successful lifestyle change.

If you take it day by day, setting small, achievable goals, you can look back at the end of each 7-day block and feel quite good about the progress you have made. The 7-day concept also gives you a little wiggle room for those inevitable, even necessary small splurges that happen every now and again! It can take a lot of pressure off knowing you've got 7-days each week to work with. Not all days will be perfect, but if at the end of the week you have more positive moments related to diet, exercise and healthy living, you have achieved a realistic balance that you can actually maintain!

Who am I? Well that actually just recently changed, sort of!! I just got married so I went from Kristina Day (hence my original concept of 7-Day Nutrition!) to Kristina Spellman. I am a registered dietitian in Boston. I have worked in a variety of capacities within the field including inpatient, outpatient, WIC, bariatrics and now research. I love working in this field because there are so many different areas to pursue, which always keeps it interesting. There is always a continuous flow of new research related to diet and exercise, which allows me to keep learning and teaching my clients new concepts directed at healthier living.

I encourage my clients to start their 7-day journey by simply asking one simple question, "What can I do TODAY to be healthier?". Sometimes they think it is funny that I, the "nutrition expert" am asking THEM what THEY think they can do! I explain to them that they know what they should be doing, but are most likely having trouble bridging the gap between that and what they actually are doing! That is where I come in! It is up to them to decide each week what their 7-day goals will be and to follow through with doing them. It is up to me to act as their coach along the way, feeding them information, motivation, positive reinforcement and sometimes a little tough love too!

So where can you start? Well, how about start by asking yourself the same question "What can I do TODAY to be healthier?"
Okay....need a few hints? Here are some ideas. These are just little things that over the course of 7-days really start to add up. All of these, no matter how small they may seem, work to snap you out of your current routine and force you to be more mindful in your everyday living. Anything that starts the ball rolling in the right direction is a good thing, so give a few a try!
  • Take the stairs today instead of the elevator.

  • Add a fruit to at least one meal or snack today. This helps boost the water and fiber content of the meal which helps you feel more satisfied. You also boost your vitamin and mineral intake as well.

  • Leave a little behind at each meal. Every calorie saved each day adds up!

  • Eat the rainbow. Try to get a few different color vegetables on your plate. This not only looks more appetizing, but it also boosts the vitamin and mineral content of your meal as well.

  • Take a walk during lunch.

  • Walk down to your co-worker instead of emailing.

  • Trade in your liquid calories for water. You can often save hundreds of calories here.

  • Take a moment to be mindful of what's around you.

Start today for a better tomorrow!



Unknown said...

Hi Kristina,
I'm really enjoying reading your nutrition blog! I especially like your "7-Day Philosophy". Can't wait to read more!
:-) Leah

Melbear said...

Hey Kristy! I really like your blog. It's an easy read with lots of good info. and tips. I will be passing these on to Mike as well. Can't wait to see you and your hubby over labor day!
Mel :)

7daynutrition said...

Thanks Leah and Mel! Yeah, I am having fun doing this. Let me know if you have any topics you are interested in and I will post on it. Mel-Looking forward to seeing you and Mike on Labor day.

Nicci said...

hey came across your blog. loving it. What exactly is the 7day way? curious to know more