
No rules eating

This interesting 20/20 link came across the ADA (American Dietetic Association) wire today. It just reinforces the fact that extremes in eating or eating fads, can be really dangerous, even if they are masked as being healthy strategies.

The goal with living a healthier life is to find a balance. If eating or the concept of "eating healthy" becomes more of a chore than it is enjoyable, it is time to reevaluate your goals. I found the article and it's videos to be of interest because I get so many questions about "what is the perfect diet?". The answer is "there is no perfect diet and in fact that isn't what one should strive for either".

Finding balance is key and people should be encouraged to learn strategies for adding healthier foods into their life, but not feel pressured to eat "perfectly". Today take the time to add something healthy into your day, but make sure you do it for in a positive way. Take the stairs, eat a piece of fruit, eat 1/2 of the Milky Way rather than the whole thing! Small, subtle changes in your diet that allow you to still be you and still feel positive about the foods on your plate will ultimately help you be healthier all around. If you are feeling overwhelmed by all of the fad diet strategies out there, take the pressure of of yourself to consume only foods that you think fit "perfectly" into a "perfect diet", by knowing that the old strategies, while less "sexy" still hold true: eat everything in moderation, even chocolate!!

1 comment:

RhodeyGirl/Sabrina said...

thanks for a great post, and a great reminder.

p.s. even though i am not commenting every day i am definitely reading every post!! :)