
Physiological Hunger vs. Actual Hunger

We are heading into the season where everywhere you turn you are bombarded with goodies, treats, sweets and in general a lot of food!! It is such a hectic time of year that we can start to go on autopilot and lose our focus on maintaining our healthy food habits. To keep yourself focused try taking this little quiz to assess whether or not you can determine the difference between your head hunger and your actual physical hunger.

Cravings vs. Hunger Quiz
Circle T for True or F for False for each question below.

T F 1. Even after a large meal, I still want dessert.

T F 2. I often have a gnawing feeling in my stomach.

T F 3. When someone mentions a food I love, I feel like eating.

T F 4. I feel light-headed after not eating for hours.

T F 5. When I drive by a restaurant, donut or ice cream shop, I want to eat.

T F 6. There is a time everyday when I feel hungry.

Circling “T” for statements 1, 3, and 5 usually indicate a psychological craving for food. If you answered “T” for situation 2 and 4, this indicates physical hunger. Situation 6 can be either.

Kelly Brownell, The LEARN Manual, 2000

This week and throughout the holiday season try to key into your "head hunger" vs "actual hunger". During those moments when you feel like you may just be eating on autopilot, just take a moment to slow down, gauge your hunger using the scale below and decide if it is your head talking or if you are in fact truly hungry.

9-Starving, cranky, irritable
8-Very hungry
7-Hungry-ready to eat (this is where you should be about 4 hours after a meal)
6-Beginning to feel hunger
5-Neither hungry or full
4-Comfortably full (this is what you are looking for after a meal)
3-Very full
2-Uncomfortably full (can you say Thanksgiving!)
1-Stuffed, feeling sick

Your goal is to eat to a 4 and let yourself get to a 7 about 3-4 hours later. If you go over you may notice you get over hungry and overeat.

7-Day Goal: Check in on your hunger levels this week pre and post meals. Notice any patterns?


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